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Questions and Answers
So are these English classes or Chess classes?
Well, they are both. All of the discussion and explaining and describing of chess positions involves using English, and the structure of the classes is based on both language and chess skills.
How are these classes different from other English classes?
Firstly obviously classes are based on learning and improving chess skills. But equally important is the style of the classes.
We are building a community where kids are happy to come to class to play and learn chess with their friends.
The parents know they are learning English and can be happy about that.
The idea is that for the kids English is just the language we use in class ...as simple as that.
How can you teach chess and English at the same time?
The courses cover everything from basic vocabulary and grammar (present/past/future/conditional forms of tenses) up to more sophisticated ways of giving an opinion, describing things, agreeing, disagreeing, interrupting etc...
The idea is that kids are really using English in a natural holistic way and that's how they learn to use it as a normal language as opposed to some academic subject with no intrinsic interest.
What actually happens in a class?
There is a mixture of group work where we're all together, and other times when children work in smaller groups of two or three, where they can discuss and work on language in a more secure setting before coming back to the main group to share ideas.
Instead of an hour of hard work, children work (and play!) for a team, and earn points and badges as they accomplish tasks. We want the learning and practice to feel upbeat, active and fun.
How many people are in each group?
It depends on the ages and levels of English and chess strength of the participants. Groups of 8 to 10 seem ideal.
Why not have smaller groups?
It turns out that smaller groups don't make for better learning! It's the flow of communication that drives the learning in groups, not the time that the teacher is speaking!
Most group classes of English OR Chess just involve the teacher talking at the learners. Here, we want to maximize the amount of speaking time for the learners, that's not just how they learn it's also the way that they have fun.
Despite what a lot of people think, most 'learning' happens between classes. We come to class to practice and improve on skills.
The aim of these classes is to pick up real skills, both for English and for chess, and practice them in class with the teacher and the other participants.
Why do I have to sign up for three months at a time?
Because children work best when they feel comfortable and secure. This is even more important when learning a language when you are constantly putting yourself at risk every time you speak.
Because children like being in teams and communities.
Because they are joining a club as well as having classes.
And because I don't want children to have to adapt to new participants every week.
What is this club and when can my child go there?
It's an online chess club that is reserved for children in my classes. The whole club functions in English and it helps to foster the club/community spirit and reinforce the idea that English is not just something we do in English classes.
They can go whenever they want (and their parents let them use internet! :)
Who are you, and why are you doing this?
I'm a father, a chess player and an English teacher.
I live in France and I see the difficulties that children have picking up really good English like many kids do in other countries.
Both chess and English seem to be activities that both children and parents think are good and valuable and potentially fun.
How much do I need to work with my child to make sure they are learning?
Basically, you don't need to do very much. Encourage them of course. Make sure that they have the right equipment to do a video class and get to the club when they want. The Chess part and the English part are my responsibility! :)
My child is going to do online classes and join an online chess club..Is that safe??
We are building a nurturing, secure and safe community.
I want to make sure that the children feel safe and secure in class, and can approach their homework with confidence (and I hope, enthusiasm!).
I give every class, design every document and video, and manage the club where I am the administrator.
The online chess club is reserved exclusively for participants of the English classes. Nobody can join without my permission, and the club's Forum, Notes and activities are carefully moderated.
The children learn to use the chess site safely when we start our classes.
If I want more information and have other questions, can I contact you in another way?
Yes! Contact me at contact@speakingchess.fr
We can arrange to talk by phone or video chat.
Sing out if you want to know anything else.