About me...
Hello and welcome to Speaking Chess, an activity to help children learn and practice English through learning and practicing Chess.
My name is Richard Watson. I was born in England and raised in New Zealand. I've been teaching English in France for 30 years.
I love teaching, and I love the privileged contact I have with people. Helping people to learn is fundamentally about connecting with people, understanding them, and then walking with them as they learn.
When you want to help someone to learn English, first you have to help them to understand how to learn, and second you have to change the way they think about the language.
In many countries, English is used as a common and, 'normal' tool.For many people in France its not the case in France
And if they had approached English differently when they were young?
Let's do it now!
My other lifelong passion is the game of chess.
I learnt the rules when I was around five from my father and joined a club when I was 10 or 11.
I've been playing ever since!
Chess has been a constant background activity throughout my life and I've learned so much from studying chess and playing this fantastic game.