Speaking Chess
Learn English by learning Chess
Welcome to Speaking Chess a new activity where children learn and improve their English skills by learning and practicing chess.

Immersive online chess courses
English becomes the tool rather than the goal.
Access to an online English chess club
Different groups by age and level of English and chess.
Weekly homework using Videos with Transcriptions - combining both English and chess work.
Join a community of chess players learning English
Put your child on the Waiting list
What about classes for adults?

Our Vision
Online English classes while learning Chess
Solid Pedagogy
Live online video classes where pupils discuss chess, solve problems, and come up with ideas in a fun atmosphere.
Building a community
Personal work and Consolidation
English vocabulary and structures are encountered in a logical and practical progression. Everything children learn will be something they will use again and again.
Chess terms, tactics and skills are defined and organized in the same way.
Not only do children take part in Group classes, they are also invited to join an online English-speaking chess club created and reserved for pupils.
They can participate in a variety of club activities... consultation games, team matches, discussion forums and tournaments.
In order to make the homework effective, fast-paced and fun, children receive a video each week with a task to practice for the next class.
The objective is to acquire real skills and not just memorize words and grammatical structures.
Each video comes with a complete transcription to work on both oral and written skills.
Other advantages to learning Chess
Learning Chess offers a host of other benefits to children. It encourages...
logical thinking
a growth mindset
increased concentration
attention to detail
the importance of thinking about others and their ideas and plans
...and it can even help to develop patience and humility ;)